The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (2025)


The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (1)

It started as a copy of the popular 2012 hit:

Being a game that copied the mechanics and the concept but replacing the 'thing' that would stalk you in the woods...

This project turned out to be much more successful than Sean Toman, the creator [Warning of cool guy], expected and became a classic in its time that attracted a lot of morbid users; at whom wanted to discorver what ruined forever what once ago was the peaceful meadow of Teletubbyland.

  • With the arrival of the third game, more questions arose then...

What is the story of "the three friends"?

How come Tinky Winky hung Po from the tree?

How was the Teletubby Virus created?

What other macabre secrets are the military hiding?


The question I will analyze in this post...

What exactly happened to Dipsy the night of "The Tubbymassacre"???

A 'small' clarification:

[[ I want to clarify that although it is already known that Tinky Winky killed him...

We don't know what he exactly did to him...

Besides, in 2012 not everyone knew that so some users created their own different theories to explain it...

In this first part I'm going to talk about and deal with those theories ]]...

It is thus that I, your gracious host Carmeloth, present to you...

<< The MYSTERY behind DIPSY'S DEATH >>

The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (2)

Whom is Dipsy on first place?

Dipsy is the green teletubby from the main gang (NOOO, Really?). In the original series he was characterized by being slightly stubborn and lonely. However, despite all that, he always enjoyed playing in company of his friends...

In the game what remains of him can be found in the Main Land, it seems he was brutally decapitated and in a strange position: where his head rests on top of the slide inside the dome, while the rest of his body is lying on the bloody ground, just inches away.

In order to discover what could have happened to him, we are going to play the role of detectives and we will analyze all the theories that I have been able to find in my tour of the internet.

It's important to mention that they will be listed from the least credible to the most logical hypothesis from my point of view.

I will first argue in favor for the theories, and as I do so, the word <<ARGUMENT>> will appear at the beggining of the text.

Then I will contradict my own arguments and attack the theories, so the word << COUNTER-ARGUMENT>> will appear at the beggining of the text.

<< THEORY n.1: The Headless tubby did it...(what?) >>


The first I will analize, this theory dates back to the first years of Slendytubbies II (2014 aprox.) and is mainly supported by a cinematic in the trailer for said game.

It is believed that Headless Tubby found Dipsy in the house and ruthlessly executed him.

Then, somehow, it arrived to the Secret Center, where it countinued the killing...

During that time, there was popular hypothesis that said that "Dipsy and Headless Tubby were different beings" due the lack of information and also because, aparently, Dipsy's corpse was still in Tubbyland while Headless Tubby was far away...

guarding the Secret Center.

The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (3)


Unfortunately, this theory can be easily refuted, since it is known that Dipsy inevitably will end up turning into Dipsy Chainsaw (Headless Tubby) thanks to his appearance in the Slendytubbies 3 Campaign.

However, since Slendytubbies I and II have separated history and lore from Slendytubbies III, this theory could have been right on that old messy canon.

But, sadly for the theory, we are taking only the actual canon: Slendytubbies III.


If it's the same teletubby...

Then the story told in theory just couldn't have happen.


<< THEORY n.2: The tubbycustard was the culprit... >>


This hypothesis is based on the fact that Dipsy could have had problems with his throat, due the virus or the custard itself, and wanted to vomit...

However, when he tried to do so...

His teletubby neck just couldn't handle to much pression,

It colapsed.

And it exploded.

Which practically "shoot" his head to the slide and his body a little lower.

Now, I'll divide Theory n.2 into 2 main ideas:

IDEA n.1: The custard itself. Dipsy's neck exploded because he ate too much tubbycustard.

IDEA n.2: The virus. The virus inside the custard concentrate on the neck, causing it to explode.


Now, regarding Idea n.1, we can remember that in the campaign Dipsy is seen eating just a SINGLE bowl of tubbycustard, like his friends...

Furthermore, it is completely absurd to say that someone's neck can explode just for trying to vomit...

So, we can easily dismiss the Idea n.1.

Regarding Idea n.2...

On wich parf of the campaign can we see the virus being the cause of injuries like that?

Quick anser, never.

Noo-Noo mentions in the campaign some of the virus's side effects, which include:

  • Increased strength.
  • Increased speed.
  • As well as the possibility of new limbs appearing.

But, he NEVER mentions the loss of limbs,

or in this case...

Losing your head.


<< THEORY n.3: The virus forced Dipsy to commit... >>


According to this theory, Dipsy went competely INSANE because of the virus, then he took a chainsaw and cut off his own head.

Like on the Headless Tubby theory (THEORY n.1) it's based on the same cinematic from the Slendytubbies II trailer.

As a first point in favor, it is possible that the infected tubbycustard makes the consumer to develop aggressive behavior and insanity...

So, maybe, someone who is showing the first symptoms of the virus could express the desire to destroy living things and end up harming itself by noticing that it is also a living being.

Another plus point I can think of is that, it makes a little of sense that there is a chainsaw in the Main Land,since it's a place with lots of trees and the chainsaw could be used by the Guardian itself, in special case he has to save one of the subjects if there were any accident related to threes (I mean, if any of the fellas had an accident with a tree).


Now, contradicting the first point...

Among the "pre-mutation" symptoms that I could notice in the campaign there have been:

  • The general malaise.
  • Muscular body pain.
  • Increased aggressiveness (in some cases).
  • Desire to isolate (also on few cases).

The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (4)

But it has never been proven that the virus can also drive someone to 'hurt themselves', what is more, Dipsy it isn't the kind of person that would commit something as horrible like that, principally due his childish mentality.

Talking about the second point...

Well, we are talking about a chainsaw, an extremely dangerous instrument.

I think it could be useful for the Guardian as a self-defense tool, since he works as a security guard, but not for the test subjects because they think like children.

I won't deny there could be a chainsaw on the Main Land; but, if that was the case, it would probably be hidden inside the dome's tool shop, or even inside the Guardian's office in the Secret Lair.

The point is that it would be out of reach of the test subjects because the Guardian wouldn't allow them to be near a sharp-form object.


It's probably that neither Dipsy or any other of the 3 teletubbies could ever use it.


<< THEORY n.4: A magic bag... >>


Unfortunately, dear reader, I have run out of time to explain the last one...

Please, note that there are still parts of the mystery that remain unexplained

and that I will try to answer in an upcoming post (Some day...).

It only remains to add that, if any of you do not agree, please, do not hesitate to create your own theories, I'll read all coments below with great pleasure!

With that being said...

Your gracious host, Carmeloth, is retiring.

The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (5)

Thanks for reading.

The Mystery Behind Dipsy's death (2025)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.