How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (2025)

> Apps

Tap + to scan your account's QR code. Enter the 2FA code the next time you need to log in


Molly McLaughlin

How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (1)

Molly McLaughlin

Senior Editor & Content Strategist

    Molly K. McLaughlin has been a technology editor and writer for over a dozen years. She runs product reviews for Lifewire, overseeing the process from hands-on testing to publishing.

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    Updated on May 17, 2024

    What to Know

    • Download Microsoft Authenticator from the app store and log in to it with your Microsoft account.
    • After you turn on two-factor authentication for an account, tap + in Microsoft's app to scan the QR code.
    • The next time your account asks for a 2FA code, open Microsoft Authenticator to find it.

    This article explains how to use Microsoft's authenticator app to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for a Microsoft account and accounts on other websites.

    How to Set Up Microsoft Authenticator

    In addition to installing the Authenticator app, you need to know your Microsoft account information so you can log in to the app. Follow these steps to get your Microsoft account configured for two-factor authentication and to prepare the app for 2FA codes for your other accounts:

    1. Log in to your Microsoft account. If you don't have one, you can make a Microsoft account in just a few minutes.

    2. Select Security on the left, then Advanced security options on the right.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (2)

    3. Scroll down the page and select Turn on next to Two-step verification.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (3)

    4. Select Next on the two-step verification setup page.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (4)

    5. Choose An app from the drop-down box, then select Get it now.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (5)

    6. Install Microsoft Authenticator on your phone or tablet and log in to your Microsoft account. It's available for Android and iOS:

    7. Select Next on the 'Finish setting up' page in your Microsoft account.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (6)

    8. Select Next on the passwordless account setup prompt.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (7)

    9. Open Microsoft Authenticator, tap your Microsoft account from the list, and then choose Enable phone sign-in.

    10. Select Next.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (8)

    11. Choose one of the alternative sign-in methods, email or text, and then follow the on screen prompts.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (9)

      The Microsoft Authenticator app is now the default method to verify your identity when using a two-step verification or password reset.

    Set Up Microsoft Authenticator on a Third-Party Account

    The Microsoft Authenticator app can give you two-factor authentication codes for third-party accounts like Facebook, Google, and many others. You need to log in to that account to turn on 2FA, after which you'll get a code to pair the account with Microsoft Authenticator.

    1. Set up 2FA on the site or app you want to use with Microsoft Authenticator. This is how you get the QR code you need to scan from Authenticator.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (10)

      Every place does this a little differently. If you can't find it, look for a section in your account that mentions Security, Two-factor authentication, authenticator app, or something similar. Turning on two-factor authentication on Facebook, for example, is done through the Accounts Center.

    2. Open Microsoft Authenticator and tap the plus sign.

    3. Select the option that's most appropriate for the account you're adding. In our Facebook example, we'll choose Other.

    4. Scan the QR code displayed on the page you found during Step 1. If you want, you can enter the key manually, instead. The account will be added instantly and displayed alongside any other accounts you've added.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (11)

    5. Return to the account's website and follow any other steps you see to verify the code.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (12)

    How to Use Microsoft Authenticator to Sign In

    Once set up, when you sign into a Microsoft account, you’ll get a notification on your phone to accept the request. When you sign into a non-Microsoft account, you’ll be asked for a 6-digit code. Here's how to get your Facebook two-factor authentication code using Microsoft's app:

    1. Log in to the account with your normal username and password.

    2. Open Microsoft Authenticator and look for the account in the list. Take note of the 6-digit code.

    3. Return to the sign-in prompt and enter the two-factor auth code to complete the login process.

      How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (13)

    What Is Microsoft Authenticator?

    Like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator lets you get verification codes for your two-factor authentication-enabled accounts. When a login prompt asks for a 2FA code, open Microsoft Authenticator to find it. Know, however, that these codes don't last forever; you have to be quick or a new one will appear.

    10 Popular Accounts That Should Have Two-Factor Authentication Enabled

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    How to Use the Microsoft Authenticator App (2025)


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